Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our New Pup!

Well Emily and I decided to finally get the Pug we have been wanting for so long now! We went last weekend and picked up a brand new 9 week old Pug who we have named peanut.

Peanut is already a welcome addition to our family, he's so well behaved and I look forward to everyone meeting him.

Emily have finally started our family together, and I have to say nothing feels better then having something to share with her every single day :)

The Song That Always Reminds Me Of You

Damien Rice - Blower's Daughter.

There is something about this song I can't really explain it, the movie closer really reminds me of you and it's hard to explain why, but you just have to know that every time I hear this song, I makes me a little teary eyed missing you.


Monday, March 31, 2008

Missing You

Dear Chris,

I have missed you today. I keep thinking of the security in your arms when you hold me, the wonderful flutter in the pit of my stomach when you look at me with loving eyes, the tender kisses that you leave on my forehead as we say goodbye.
All I can do is close my eyes for a few seconds and savor the memory and those kisses as it all begins to fade when I open my eyes.

Oh, I have missed you dearly today.

With the simplest kiss yesterday, you have made my heart soar and my body tingle with anticipation of seeing you again.

Baby, you are amazing.

I love you.

Love always,
Emily xox

Friday, March 14, 2008

What an amazing week ...

Well I have to say I've probably had one of my best weeks since being out in Waterloo. I got to spend the better part of my week with my babe, enjoying her company and getting to do some fun things, like CUDDLE! :P

Yeah I'm simple and I know it, but this time together has been absolutely amazing, we've been out for some fancy dinners, cooked together, but I still have to say the best thing so far has been being able to wake up next to her every morning.

I just wanted to type you this little message to let you know that I really appreciate everything you've done this week babe, and I hope you have enjoyed our time together as much as I have.

Love you to the moon and back